Published Papers
Campaign Finance Vouchers Do Not Expand the Diversity of Donors: Evidence from Seattle. Forthcoming at American Political Science Review (2024)
How Did Absentee Voting Affect the 2020 U.S. Election?. With Jesse Yoder, Sandy Handan-Nader, Andrew Myers, Toby Nowacki, Daniel M. Thompson, Jennifer Wu, Andrew B. Hall. Science Advances 7.52 (2021)
Working Papers
Darker Blue: How Small Donors Drive Congressional Polarization (Job Market Paper)
Are Dead People Voting By Mail? Evidence From Washington State Administrative Records. With Jennifer Wu, Hanna Folsz, Sandy Handan-Nader, Andrew Myers, Toby Nowacki, Daniel M. Thompson, Jesse Yoder, Andrew B. Hall. R&R At Election Law Journal
Campaign Contributions Database for Local Elections. This database contains over 5.5 million campaign finance contributions, primarily from mayoral and city council elections for cities in over 30 states. Currently, this collection focuses on cities with populations over 100,000, and at least 5 years of campaign finance records. Some smaller cities are also included subject to data availability. This is a working project, and I will expand this database as resources permit. If you are interested in this data, please email me at [firstname]
Round Valley Sno-Park at Stanislaus National Forest
Upper Cathedral Lake at Yosemite National Park
Ozette Loop at Olympic National Park